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Round 3: Delta
Lusitanos XV

Super Cup #3

The Lusitanos XV team beat the Dutch team Delta, reaching their third back to back victory in the Rugby Europe Super Cup

It was in Valladolid, in the Pepe Rojo Stadium that the Castilla y Leon Iberians hosted the Lusitanos XV for the second round of the Rugby Europe SuperCup.

Written by: Rui Neto Fernandes

The best part: A clear victory from the Portuguese side (7-50), with seven tries scored and the correspondent bonus point.

The not-so-good part: The 25 minutes that followed the first try, with a sequence of penalties that ended up with a penalty try for Delta.

Man of the match: Jorge Abecassis. Amazing display from the Portuguese fly half. Scored 15 points (6 conversions and 1 penalty) and commanded the team on the pitch with an impressive dynamic.

It was in Amersfoort, in the Netherlands, that the Lusitanos XV reached their third victory in the Rugby Europe Super Cup, this time against the Dutch side Delta. The Portuguese side remains top of the table in the West Conference with 14 points in three matches.

The Portuguese side had a very dynamic start, putting the first points on the scoreboard with only 4 minutes of play, due to a great try from their second row Rafael Simões that on the wing successfully crossed the try line.

However, despite the promising start, the Lusitanos didn’t handle Delta’s response well. The Dutch side’s game was more physical, often using a strong “pick and go” and played inside the Portuguese 22 for over 20 minutes. The Lusitanos committed a lot of penalties during period, resulting in a yellow card to the flanker João Granate and a penalty try for the Dutch side.

The try seemed to have awakened the Lusitanos that scored another try by the centre Vasco Ribeiro at the 29th minute (successfully converted by the fly half Jorge Abecassis). It was he that added three more points to the score board and settle the half-time score at 7-15.

The second hald started with the Lusitanos showing why they were top of the table in the Western Conference, scoring their third try at the 49th minute by the full-back João Freudenthal.

After then, it was the Jorge Abecassis Show. After creating the play that led to the 4th try (João Granate, 60th minute), he served Rodrigo Marta with an amazing kick for the the 5th Portuguese try.

Two more tries (Pedro Lucas and João Mateus) sealed the deal and gave the Lusitanos a bonus point.

The Lusitanos are top of the table and their next match will be in Brussels on the 30th October, against the Belgian side Brussels Devils.

Round 4: Devils
Lusitanos XV